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Nos mini chihuahua sont laissés le plus longtemps possible avec leur mère, cela les aide à trouver le bon équilibre de caractère et à socialiser davantage avec les autres chiens. Lors de la livraison, nos mini chihuahuas sont accompagnés d’un document certifiant l’inoculation de la microchip par notre vétérinaire, ce qui permettra de procéder au transfert de propriété et au changement de résidence du chien à effectuer dans un délai d’un mois à partir du registre canin. « achat.

Welcome to La Maison des Chihuahuas

Welcome to the heart of our passion

We present to you our pure chihuahua breeding. The breeding is specialized in the smallest representatives of this breed. All of them present morphological perfection, at the same time remaining smaller than common size. We pay a lot of attention to the health of our beloved puppies . We are doing plenty of veterinary controls before the new famlily can finally embrace thier new member.

It is an immense joy for us to see happiness in the eyes of our customers .
You can come to see them in our nursery or we shall personally bring the puppy to you.
Contact us and reserve your Chihuahua puppy.
— La maison des Chihuahuas

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Our puppies are left as long as possible with their mother, it helps them to find the right balance of character and socialize more with other dogs.

Our mini chihuahuas are accompanied by a document certifying the inoculation of the microchip by our veterinarian, which will allow the transfer of ownership and the change of residence of the dog to be performed within one month from the canine registry.

The health book will also come with vaccination and parasiticidal prophylaxis performed by our trusted veterinarian.

When you will receive the mini chihuahua you will be given all the indications to be able to insert the puppy in the new house.

However, we are always available , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to solve your problems or uncertainties.


Are you planning to buy a mini chihuahua?

Tips and information to help you make the right decision for you and your future dog.